Friday, February 26, 2010

:) Life Rocks When you Open your eyes

My first blog.... One I would like to dedicate to a million people .. But few I would like to take by name...

God who taught me everything and made me what I am today

The girl who made me write again...
The girl who called my poems a rip off by Avril Lavigne
My parents who have been my tremendous support even though I might have not been the ideal son
My lovely sisters..Liz and Susan
My cousins.. Reuben, Reno,Cammi,Angie
My support system..Joe, Subbu,Nandu,Sangee, Raaga,Divya

Well here goes...

I saw my life in rewind on the big screen today... Wished I could tell my parents what I am writing...

I have liked 3 gals in life.. One @ school....Crush you may call it...she was my life back then...Used to do anything to keep her happy... even resorted to stealing.... one day she left school... no byes, no take cares.. I met her recently online.. she forgot my very existence ;)

One @ start of my career...she was a whiff of fresh air....liked her a lot.. Did not want to get close...But she pulled me close whenever I went away..summers turned to monsoon, we were inseparable..One fine day she realizes we have become two close for comfort and decides to test what I am to... I passed the test but our relationship failed that day... We are still friends... but without meaning..

And then ..She came into my life.. Unlike the other two relationships.. I was too busy flirting with girls and spending time chatting to have space and time for this mystery girl... She was a mystery... a chocolate waiting to be unwrapped.. Heady days followed...What was it about this girl I dint know... Fell head over heels in love with her.... different as chalk and cheese...I just had to make her mine...notwithstanding the differences, all that mattered to me was SHE ... SHE ... SHE... World decided she was not true.. I had reasons to believe the same since the relationship started with a lie.. thinking of lies.. if she had told the truth back then, I would not be writing this now....

Monsoons changed to winter... She became cold, my actions seemed psychotic, every step irritating her more than the previous... the past became a lie , blur for her... Words spoken forgotten, actions thrown in the dustbin... Threw away my identity in the process

I wanted to move away, but every sight of her made me come closer ... What was it , I dint know... Stood by even at the cost of self respect..... Thinking/hoping/wishing she would come back one day...

From psycho , i became bugger and what not.. Calls cut on the face, silence more than spoken words...distance maintained... I became the source of her misery... Her main source of worry...

Cut to the present.... She is not mine today, but I thank her from the bottom of my heart for showing me what true love is , even if it was not from her. Made me appreciate my friends more ....Made me mature... Made me write again..... Made me believe in God again..

Opened eyes ... I look forward to the future... I know I am going to make it someday...

Failed love does not mean the end of the world.. neither does it make the girl "less trustworthy" than a snake as a picture in facebook that i had seen . Circumstances make a man... and.. maybe .. just maybe ...most of the failed affairs are due to mistaken identities, misconceptions and it is always better to have our eyes and ears open and expectations set straight..rather than cry later..

All said and done... Religion/region/money should not decide who you marry .. Follow your heart and never regret your decisions cos your heart has made it and not your mind..

Vinnaithandi Varuvaya :)

Friends of Mine... Wanna thank you for being there for me... Sorry for being cranky.. I hope you will forgive me.. Love You Guys :)